- Welcome to Jenkins. Jenkins is continuous integration tool, which is used to speed up the task or fulfill the application builds and deploys.
- Jenkins project is developed in Java technology and it is a open source project.
- It is integrate skillfully with existing or popular Java build tools like Apache Maven, Appache ANT, etc...
- Jenkins also a considered as a DevOps tool and it provides continuous integration services for software development.
- It is available in the form of GUI (web based application) and CMD (Command Line) interface.
- In Jenkins all the popular tools are available in the form of plug-ins.
- Jenkins is java based application and available for all the popular operation systems (OS) such as Windows, Mac OS X, Linux/Unix etc...
- Jenkins can be easily setup and configured via GUI interface, which includes on the fly error checks and build in help.
- The top most organization like Microsoft, Redhat, Cloud bees, JFrog, OSL(Open Source Lab), rackspace etc... are supporting to Jenkins project.
What is Jenkins? Advantages of Jenkins?
Reviewed by Gurugubelli Technologies
October 23, 2018

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